Importing into Documents, Notes and Comments

There are several ways to get data into a note editor. This could be the note of a Document or the comments in a record such as a Contact or a Bookmark. Either by using Copy/Paste functions or you could insert or import the data. A quick and simple way of inserting data into a note is to use the BiteSpire Files Explorer, locate the file you want, and drag the filename to the point in the note content where you want the file to be inserted.

helper To Insert a File into an existing Note

This is useful for insert templates into a note. First make sure the edit cursor is positioned where you want the content to be inserted, then:

rightarrowSelect from the Insert menu Insert file, or
rightarrowClick on the "Insert File..." icon on the Insertion toolbar under the editor.

You will see the familiar open dialog window. Choose a file type from the combo box drop down. Browse to the file you want and click on Open and the file will be inserted into the document.

helper To Add a File Into the Documents Section

This only applies to the Documents section.

First select the item in the Navigator where you want the new Note Item to be added to, then:
rightarrowSelect from the File menu Import as New Note

You will see the familiar open dialog window. Choose a file type from the combo box drop down. Browse to the file you want and click on Open and the file will be added to the Navigator. If you have chosen a TexNotes file, then there will be more than one note added because TexNotes comprises of many documents inside a single file.

CSV files

CSV (Comma Separated Values) is a common format used by many database style applications, such as Microsoft Excel and MS Address Book. You will probably find the ability to export text data from many database applications as CSV. It provides a common way to distribute data from one application to another.

doogiePIM can except CSV data files and will render them as a table in a note.

heart See Tables for more information.

helper To import CSV
First Position your edit cursor in the edit canvas of where you want the table of data to be placed. Then;
rightarrowSelect from the Insert menu Insert CSV file as a table.

Then you will see the standard Windows file selector. Choose your CSV file then click on Open. A new window will appear with a data grid (not a table), showing the fields and lines of your data. You will also see some input fields under the data grid to define some default table properties.

heart See Tables for more information.

After you have defined your basic parameters, click on OK to import the file or click on Cancel to abort the importing. After you click on OK, a table will be created in your current document, where you can use the Table Properties to enhance and edit the table to your requirements.

Microsoft Word documents

If you have Microsoft Word installed on your PC, then doogiePIM will detect it and will be able to import limited MS Word documents.

Please Note: Most MS Word documents contains a lot of formatting that doogiePIM doesn't understand, so your imported file may look a little different.

Future versions of doogiePIM will have it's own native import filters, but if you need text from MS Word documents into doogiePIM right now, currently, this is the alternative solution to copying and pasting. If the document fails by using the DOC file type try using the RTF file type instead.

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